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Bradykinesia (Slowness of Movement)

Bradykinesia means slowness of movement, and it is one of the cardinal symptoms of Parkinson’s. You must have bradykinesia plus either tremor or rigidity for a Parkinson’s diagnosis to be considered.

In Parkinson’s, this slowness happens in different ways:

  • Reduction of automatic movements (such as blinking or swinging your arms when you walk)
  • Difficulty initiating movements (like getting up out of a chair)
  • General slowness in physical actions
  • The appearance of abnormal stillness or a decrease in facial expression

This translates into difficulty performing everyday functions, such as buttoning a shirt, cutting food or brushing your teeth.

Bradykinesia can be particularly frustrating because it is often unpredictable. One moment you can move easily, while in the next moment you may need help.

Managing Slowness of Movement

Levodopa is the medication most commonly given to control the movement symptoms of Parkinson’s. Dopamine agonists, MAO-B inhibitors, and amantadine can also be used alone or in combination with other medications to improve slowness, as well as stiffness and tremor.

If you experience “off” periods – changes in your ability to move, usually related to medication timing – when bradykinesia and other symptoms are worse, adjusting the dose or schedule of your medication could help. Talk to your healthcare provider before making any changes to your medications.

In addition to medications, exercise should be part of your treatment plan for all Parkinson’s symptoms.

Research also suggests that music therapy can reduce bradykinesia.

About Us

In the Ghanaian dialect, Anidaso means "HOPE". The foundation serves as hope for peole living with Parkinson's and their families to forge ahead for a better life. Our promise as advocates, donors, volunteers, patients and caregivers is to ensure lives are improved.

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Address: P.0.Box KS 16947,Kumasi

Telephone: 0545919887 | 0209656459 | 0541111724

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